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Where is atai Life Sciences’ corporate headquarters?
atai Life Sciences corporate headquarters are in Berlin, Germany. We also have offices in New York, US and London, UK
Where is the company incorporated?
atai Life Sciences is incorporated in the Netherlands
When did atai Life Sciences go public?
atai Life Sciences completed its IPO in June 2021
What is atai Life Sciences’ fiscal year?
atai Life Sciences’ fiscal year is from January 1 to December 31
Where is atai Life Sciences stock traded and what is atai Life Sciences' stock symbol?
atai Life Sciences is listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange under the ticker ATAI
Who is atai Life Sciences’ transfer agent?
Computershare Trust Company, N.A.
Who is atai Life Sciences’ auditor?
We work with Deloitte & Touche LLP
How can I contact atai Life Sciences' Investor Relations?
Investor Relations can be contacted via the “Shareholder Services” section of our investor pages here
Where can I get the latest corporate news releases?
Corporate news can be found in the “News and events” section of our investor pages here
How can I view documents atai Life Sciences has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC), including Forms 10-K and 10-Q?
These documents can be found in the “Financials” section of our investor pages, here, or directly from the SEC at
Who makes up the atai Life Sciences Executive Management team and Board of Directors?
atai Life Sciences’ Executive Management team and Board of Directors can be viewed here